Thursday, 19 August 2010

Suffering Jukecast #2

Here's the second ever Suffering Jukecast and it's particularly copyright flaunting this time. The lousy British weather has been getting everyone down, so stick this on, close your eyes and imagine you're in California. These are some of my favourites

1. Gardening At Night - R.E.M.
2. Dance The Night Away - Colleen Green
3. Ginger - Lilys
4. Love Athena - Olivia Tremor Control
5. Lady Friend - The Byrds
6. Beyond The Shore - Former Bullies
7. Sparky's Dream (BBC Session) - Teenage Fanclub
8. Rain Of Crystal Spires - Felt
9. Anytime You Want - Eric's Trip
10. Jesus Was Way Cool - King Missile

Suffering Podcast #2 by Suffering Jukebox

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